St Peter’s Parochial Church Council
We are blessed to have an ancient church on an historic site in the parish.
Excavations in 1958 and 1985 revealed a Roman mosaic under the churchyard indicating a settlement during the Roman occupation of England in the 2nd to 5th centuries AD.
The earliest written evidence of a church in Maniford (as it was then named) was in the 1086 Domesday Book. There was a celebration of St Peter’s millennium in 1991 conducted by the Bishop of Ramsbury.
The church is in fact Norman, built in the 10th or 11th century with some Saxon elements in its doorways and deeply splayed side windows.
The walls are in places 4 feet thick and the original heavy wooden door, which has a primitive lock, is still in daily use, touched by numerous hands of history.
A new guide to the history of the church can be purchased either via the card reader in the church or the link below. As always, we are in need of income for the upkeep of our beautiful church, so we welcome any donations at https://givealittle.co/c/2b801333-0e90-45df-a45c-683804ba302d
Burials in the quiet and pretty churchyard continue amongst the older tombs, some of which are classed as listed buildings.
The PCC is responsible for decisions about St Peter’s Church. For a full explanation about the role of the PCC please click on Salisbury Diocesan website https://www.salisbury.anglican.org/supportforparishes/parish-governance/
PCC meetings are held four times a year, with the annual meeting in the church, usually in March or April.
For more information on the Vale of Pewsey (Church) Team visit here.
Manningford Bruce
The PCC meets about 4 times a year, with its AGM normally held in March or April,
to which all members of the congregation are invited.
If you would like to contact any member of the PCC, please use our dedicated
email address below and we will respond to you without delay.
John Thompson-Ashby
Milly Woodard
George Clarke
Dick and Margot Andrews, Genevieve Benest (Organist),
Caroline Cornell, Kate John, Andrew Marshall, Gavin Peebles,
Myffy Sampson.
Our regular services are Morning Prayer on the second Sunday and
Holy Communion on the fourth Sunday, both at 9.30am.
We encourage new members to our congregation, so please do not feel you
have to be invited to attend! You can be assured of a friendly and warm reception
and are welcome to join us for coffee after the service.
We are part of the Pewsey Vale Team of churches which operates a "Prayer Tree"
(a confidential network of people who pray daily for those in need or distress),
which can be accessed by using the contact page
You can also access the 2023 annual reports of the churchwarden and
treasurer by clicking on the link below and scrolling to the bottom of the page.