events Calendar

Photo Competition
Please send in your December photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your November photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to and also Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your October photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your September photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your August photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your July photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your June photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Manningfords Big Lunch
12.00 Noon
Bring your own picnic, rugs & chairs to the field opposite the village hall from 12.00 onwards. Parking available.
(Cash Bar) Free soft drinks for children
Proceeds to Wiltshire Air Ambulance & Ukraine DEC Appeal
Enjoy your picnic lunch. Teas/coffees will be available from 2.30pm.
Desserts available and ice creams for children.
Including “Where’s My Crown?” and Inter-Manningfords Tug of War
For all competitions
12.00 -12.15pm
Drop Cake entried off at village hall. *Cakes will be judged on taste and decoration. Please let us know if you are happy for your cake to be shared at the party after judging.CREATE A CROWN
12.00 -12.15pm
Drop Crown entries off at village hall.* Once judged, they can be worn!
Photo Competition
Please send in your May photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Photo Competition
Please send in your April photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Morning Prayer
Short service for Palm Sunday followed by the Annual Parochial Council Meeting to which everyone is welcome.

Manningfords Calendar Photo Competition
With signs of spring all around us there's every reason to take a few pictures. Please send in your March photos as soon as you can with both a title and a date. Remember that we're looking for the best colour photographs of landscape and wildlife (no people or pets) within the Manningfords village boundary that we can compile into a calendar for 2023.
Please send them, actual size (max 25Mb) to Photographs will then be anonymised for judging and final selection for the calendar.

Morning Prayer
Short service for Palm Sunday followed by the Annual Parochial Council Meeting to which everyone is welcome.